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Corso online - Cyber Security - Company information protection - 40 minutes

Online course about risks and responsibilities related to data and information treatment via IT devices

Corso Corso online - Cyber Security - Company information protection - 40 minutes

Dettagli del corso

 3.5 su 5
(numero di utenti che hanno valutato il corso esprimendo un punteggio di gradimento)
Categoria:Cyber Security
Durata in ore:40 minuti
Fruibilità:30 giorni entro il 01/01/2030

Prezzo IVA esclusa

20,00 €
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Course Methodology

E-learning course, which can be taken online asynchronously (24/7).

Who is the course intended for?

The Cyber Security course is intended for all workers who use IT devices (PC, laptops, tablets, smartphone, etc...) both in office and in smart working/remote working.

Why this online 40-minutes e-Learning Cyber Security - Company information protection course?

Cybercrime (whose aim is stealing information, money or both) causes losses in revenue, clients, reputation and it results in additional unprevented expenses in order to remedy attack related damages and it may endanger the survival of the company itself. Moreover, besides material consequences, it causes physical harm to the workers involved.

Reference regulations for data and information protection impose a series of obligations to companies which manage data and information belonging to other companies, clients or private individuals. This guarantees that data processing is carried out with respect for each party's rights, particularly as far as safety and data protection are concerned.

Companies that manage any type of data must preserve confidentiality, integrity and availability, in order not to let such information be violated through Cybercrime attacks from third unauthorized parties.

This course is meant to give an overview on Cyber Security focusing on risks and responsibilities related to data and information treatment when using IT devices (PC, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc...)

The contents go over the essential role that users play in such situations: participating actively and being able to distinguish different attacks are basic elements that ensure a first defence from cyber-crime. It's time to stop thinking that cyber-crime is solely about single workers: the course illustrates crime examples and good practices that could potentially prevent and stem attacks.

The course defines the most common attacks and goes over wrong behaviours that let and facilitate cyber-crime.

Lastly, the course outlines good practices that users can follow in order to avoid such threats.

Course content

  • Cyber Security
  • Cybercrime
  • Phishing and ransomware
  • How to choose strong passwords
  • Device protection


The evaluation of comprehension is carried out via various exercises throughout the course and a final self-correcting compulsory test with closed- ended questions in order to assess the comprehension of the covered topics. The test features questions and answers from an archive, randomly displayed in every test attempt. The minimum threshold in order to pass the test is 80% of correct answers.

At the end of the course, users will be asked to give a feedback through a satisfaction questionnaire.

Validity period

All e-learning courses have a set expiry date agreed upon at the time of purchase.


At the end of the course, users will receive a certificate of attendance featuring a progressive number.

Training organisation

Training provider manager:

Numero di learning object presenti nel corso:11
Numero di test presenti nel corso:2
Durata totale del corso:40 minuti
Validità dell'attestazione:3 anni

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Phishing - Guida pratica all'autodifesa

Corso online di formazione su come riconoscere e difendersi dagli attacchi, fra uso consapevole della tecnologia e umana prudenza.

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Prezzo: 10,00 €

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Prezzo: 65,00 €

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Phishing - Guida pratica all'autodifesa

Corso online di formazione su come riconoscere e difendersi dagli attacchi, fra uso consapevole della tecnologia e umana prudenza.

Categoria: Cyber Security

Prezzo: 10,00 €

Fonte della descrizione del corso e-Learning: Sito Mega Italia Media